WARNING: CONTAINS ADULT CONTENT. This includes foul language, invective, vitriol, and words that pansy-ass, lilly-livered, tiny-testicled, bed-wetting lefties would construe as "racist" or "hate speech." If you are easily offended, feel free to skip this one.
I normally don't do this because I don't wish to feed the egos of my enemies or give them any more attention than they deserve, but sometimes ya' just gotta say, "What the fuck?" There is a
comment thread on another post that has just spiraled out of control, straying way off the original topic, demonstrating that logic, reason, and facts mean nothing to people who claim to be peace loving and moderate yet who, rather than join the rest of us in denouncing the fascism inherent in muslim ideology, choose to make excuses for their muslim bretheren. Debate becomes impossible, and an impasse is reached. So, what to do? Expose the swine for what it is by deconstructing the rambling non-argument line-by-line, point-by-point. Let's get started, shall we?
First, the comment itself:
10/3/2007 | 12:33 pm
what facts are you talking about, i dont see any facts mentioned from you. All you do is twist the facts and bluff the people by making islam as bad faith. if khalid yasin wish to have islamic state, so whats with wrong with that, if a christian want christian state, whats wrong with that. If the majority people decide here to have christian state, are you going to stop it?? And also the stuff showed on 60 mins is just cutting some parts of his talks and make him look like what you wanted to hear. I know the medias are very clever at making criminal as victims and making victims as criminal. And another thing, why are you so angry that he converted people to islam. He didnt use guns to convert them, it is by thier choice they accept islam. Regarding africa, look whats happeing to the christian part of africa, i mean the south part????? and also i dont want talk about what happened here, i mean u r quite acquinted what happened here. In the middle east we have historical jewish and christin people living from the time of Christ(peace be upon him). where are the historical muslims in spain??? so please stop making hate comments here and make yourself superior than others.
Now, it would appear that English is not this person's first language (or, at least, I hope that is the case), so I won't even go there. Now, the point-by-point.
what facts are you talking about, i dont see any facts mentioned from you. Oh, there were plenty of facts, muslim, but you chose to ignore them and divert the argument with non-sequitors. The words of your precious Koran, my favorite brand of toilet tissue, are rife with justification for acts of terrorism, and they were cited on numerous occassions in the thread. And before you cite the Bible as being full of the same, let me remind you that the "fire and brimstone" portions of the Old Testament are taken as allegory by most practising, modern Christians because, unlike islam, Christianity went through this little thing called the Reformation in the 17th century. The Judeo-Christian West has moved on, no longer stuck in the Middle Ages. Time that your lot do the same, dickhead.
All you do is twist the facts and bluff the people by making islam as bad faith. Piss on me and tell me it's raining, too, while you're at it, dipshit. Yeah, Scott is bluffing all of us. While I'm sure he doesn't have self-esteem issues, I don't think his ego is so big that he feels he is that omnipotent. You muslim motherfuckers are your own worst public relations disaster and don't need any help from us as was clearly demonstrated by the nightly riots in France last year, the violent protests over the Danish cartoons, the murder of Theo van Gogh, the tube bombings in London...
if khalid yasin wish to have islamic state, so whats with wrong with that,... Nothing at all. There are plenty of them already in existence including one, the largest single muslim-populated nation on earth, just a few hundred kilometers north of Darwin.
...if a christian want christian state, whats wrong with that. If the majority people decide here to have christian state, are you going to stop it?? Nothing and yes, but that is what is known as a non-sequitor and otherwise irrelevant. To the best of my knowledge, there is not a large groundswell movement in Australia to establish the country as a Christian theocracy. Fascists like Yasin on the other hand...
And also the stuff showed on 60 mins is just cutting some parts of his talks and make him look like what you wanted to hear. Yeah, I told the editors at 60 Minutes what to do.
I know the medias are very clever at making criminal as victims and making victims as criminal. Hey, we agree! Knowing that the media is run primarily by leftwing jerk-offs who regularly give aid and comfort to the enemy by echoing their messages, Yasin must be a real piece of shit if even they can't make him into a victim.
And another thing, why are you so angry that he converted people to islam. He didnt use guns to convert them, it is by thier choice they accept islam. Oh, you mean his big revival meeting in Saudi Arabia? Wow, he must be a fucking magician, considering that islam is the only legal religion in that country, and you're a fucking genius.
Regarding africa, look whats happeing to the christian part of africa, i mean the south part????? Are you serious? For one thing, there is no "Christian" part of Africa. Second, I think you better take a look at what's going on in Darfur where the muslimes in the north, backed by the muslimes in government, are literally butchering the Christians. It's called genocide. And I've spent some time in Somalia where, as a US Marine, I witnessed some of the worst of man's inhumanity. I've fed starving babies with one hand and fended off butchers with the other. I've seen your kind first hand. My eyes still ache. Personally, I believe that Africa was much better off overall under the old colonial rule of the Europeans, compared to how it is being administered by it's own despots. After having been there I have to conclude that Africa needs to be left alone to sort out its own problems. Until the men learn to keep their dicks in their pants and their women learn to keep their legs closed and put the dick away, no amount of aid will help them. How many billions of dollars have been spent on relief for Africa over the last 40 years? What makes anybody think that spending even more will help?
and also i dont want talk about what happened here, i mean u r quite acquinted what happened here. I'm not quite sure of that to which you're referring.
In the middle east we have historical jewish and christin people living from the time of Christ(peace be upon him). And you're point is what? Maybe you should
read this.
where are the historical muslims in spain??? Again, not sure of what you're talking about, but maybe the
invasion of the Moors might ring a bell:
In 711, the Moors conquered Visigothics, mainly Christian Hispania. Under their leader, an African Berber general named Tariq ibn-Ziyad, they brought most of the Iberian Peninsula under Islamic rule in an eight-year campaign. They moved northeast across the Pyrenees Mountains but were defeated by the Frank, Charles Martel, at the Battle of Poitier in 732. The Moorish state fell into civil conflict in the 750s. The Moors ruled in the Iberian peninsula, except for areas in the northwest (such as Asturias, where they were defeated at the battle of Covadonga) and the largely Basque regions in the Pyrenees, and in North Africa for several decades. Though the number of "Moors" remained small, they gained large numbers of converts. According to Ronald Segal, author of "Islam's Black Slaves", some 5.6 million of Iberia's 7 million inhabitants were Muslim by 1200, virtually all of them native inhabitants, [citation needed]. The persecutions of these muslim populations and their massive exodus at the time of the catholic Reconquista in the second part of the XVth Century are considered the main reasons why their number shrank to 0.3 by 1600.
As a sign of decline, the country had broken up into a number of mostly Islamic fiefdoms, which were partly consolidated under the Caliphate of Cordoba.
A small Christian enclave from the Muslim conquest in Asturias, a small Visigothic northwestern spanish kingdom, initiated conflicts in earnest between Christian and Muslim in the 10th century. Christian states based in the north and west slowly extended their power over the rest of Iberia. The Navarre, Galicia, León, Portugal, Aragón, Catalonia or Marca Hispanica, and Castile in fits and starts began a process of expansion and internal consolidation during the next several centuries under the flag of Reconquista.
In 1212, a coalition of Christian kings under the leadership of Alfonso VIII of Castile drove the Muslims from Central Iberia. However, the Moorish Kingdom of Granada continued for three more centuries in the southern Iberian peninsula. This kingdom is known in modern time for magnificent architectural works such as the Alhambra palace. On January 2, 1492, the leader of the last Muslim stronghold in Granada surrendered to armies of a recently united Christian Spain (after the marriage of Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile). The remaining Muslims and Jews were forced to leave Iberia, to die or to convert to Roman Catholic Christianity. In 1480, Isabella and Ferdinand instituted the Inquisition in Spain, as one of many changes to the role of the church instituted by the monarchs. The Inquisition was aimed mostly at Jews and Muslims who had overtly converted to Christianity but were thought to be practicing their faiths secretly -- known respectively as marranos and moriscos -- as well as at heretics who rejected Roman Catholic orthodoxy, including alumbras who practiced a kind of mysticism or spiritualism. They were an important portion of the peasants in some territories, like Aragon, Valencia or Andalusia, until their systematic expulsion in the years from 1609 to 1614. Henri Lapeyre has estimated that this affected 300,000 out of a total of 8 million inhabitants of the peninsula at the time.[2]
In the meantime, the tide of Islam had rolled not just westward to Iberia, but also eastward, through India, the Malayan peninsula, and Indonesia up to Mindanao-—one of the major islands of an archipelago which the Spaniards had reached during their voyages westward from the New World. By 1521, the ships of Magellan and other Spanish expeditioners had themselves reached that island archipelago, which they named Las Islas de Filipinas, after Philip II of Spain. In Mindanao, the Spaniards also named these kris-bearing people as Moros or 'Moors'. Today in the Philippines, this ethnic group of people in Mindanao who are generally Muslims are called 'Moros'. This identification of Islamic people as Moros persists in the modern Spanish language spoken in Spain. See Reconquista.
so please stop making hate comments here and make yourself superior than others. Sure, pal. Go fuck yourself. I have a better idea: Instead of berating those of us who don't want muslim mayhem in our homes, why don't you write letters to dickheads like Yasin and others and tell them to shut the fuck up with their "hate speech."
We are on the brink of the next wave of Moorish invasion. They can't beat us in real combat, but, given the declining birth rates of Anglo-Europeans in the West (due in large part to the cancerous effects of liberalism and leftist ideology that have matasticized throughout the collective psyche of Western civilization), in time, they will out-populate us and take us over just the same. Most people don't or can't grasp that; it contradicts their sensibilities of fairness and equality. As a result, this trend will continue unchecked, and the situation will get worse unti we realize that the extremism of our enemies must be met with greater extremism by those who will fight for our way of life. Do not feel guilty for standing up for your way of life. These goat fornicators are counting on you to second-guess your instincts, thereby exposing your soft underbellies to these vermin who, like wild hyenas, will rip out your entrails and destroy all that we hold sacred.
I'll leave you some quotes to ponder:
"War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things: the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth a war, is much worse. When a people are used as mere human instruments for firing cannon or thrusting bayonets, in the service and for the selfish purposes of a master, such war degrades a people. A war to protect other human beings against tyrannical injustice; a war to give victory to their own ideas of right and good, and which is their own war, carried on for an honest purpose by their free choice,—is often the means of their regeneration. A man who has nothing which he is willing to fight for, nothing which he cares more about than he does about his personal safety, is a miserable creature who has no chance of being free, unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself. As long as justice and injustice have not terminated their ever-renewing fight for ascendancy in the affairs of mankind, human beings must be willing, when need is, to do battle for the one against the other."
o "The Contest in America" Fraser’s Magazine (February 1862); later published in Dissertations and Discussions (1868) Vol.1 p. 26
-- John Stuart Mill
"No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."
-- General George S. Patton
"Let me remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. Let me also remind you that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue."
-- Senator Barry Goldwater
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
--Edmund Burke