Family Humour and 2 Pics
Eldest daughter Tahlie on the right.
Spare Teen - Anybody Want One?
Youngest daughter Caitlin.
All we want is a holiday
Labels: Entertainment and Diversion, Humor
An On-Line Magazine Showcasing an Eclectic Mix of Current Events, News, Politics, Satire, Humor, Music, Sports & Entertainment, Motorsports and Aviation Engineering & Technology, Photos, and Random Thoughts From an American (and occasionally from his Kiwi wife) Living in New Zealand
Labels: Entertainment and Diversion, Humor
"The first step toward the president’s new green economy will come with the passage of the congressional stimulus package—a down payment ......will create 460,000 jobs in three years, save taxpayers $2 billion ......."
"But the centerpiece of President Obama’s new proposals seeks to change the way Americans drive, by giving states like California leeway to design their own tough ....... standards. Stay tuned."
Labels: Economy, General Politics, OBAMASTRATION(tm)
And so the government keeps offering special deals to people who keep taking them, and people are so conditioned to believe that government is the only answer to every woe that besets them — in part because the politicians keep saying they will protect the people from harm and insulate them from their own bad choices — that people don’t just expect but demand the special deals.
"My guess is they will just print more money, and we’ll look like Zimbabwe," Stossel said. "I hope you have gold or real estate."
Labels: Economy, General Politics, OBAMASTRATION(tm)
It has been sixty years since George Orwell wrote his chilling dystopian classic, 1984, and it has been thirty years since we saw the creepiest example of educated and free people willingly walking into a living dystopia. November 18, 1978, three decades ago, 918 people drank Kool-Aid laced with cyanide. Jim Jones, the communist leader of Jonestown, Guyana, had become "Big Brother." Soviet and Communist Chinese propaganda films and condemnations of capitalist and imperialist America blared continually to the subjects of this island of Leftist Hell.Read the rest from American Thinker.
Jonestown ended in mass suicide, but the real horror was that ordinary people, Americans like you and I, had become so decoupled from reality and morality that they could be led to surrender everything, even their lives, intoxicated only with the venom of modern Leftism. These were Orwell's Children.
We are drifting into the sort of horrific future he described. Too many of us for comfort or solace have become just like the denizens of Jonestown: Orwell's children -- a new generation of creature enraged into constant militancy against eternal enemies, oblivious to the notion of a Blessed Creator, melded into the consciousness of the party hive, divorced from history, hypnotized by images, inoculated against reason, stripped of family, and existing only to serve the cause.
Labels: Entertainment and Diversion, Military
Labels: General Politics, In the News, Lefty Loons, OBAMASTRATION(tm)
Sisters Natalie Bennie and Tamara Shefa were upset after being booted out of the Mevlana Cafe in Esk St yesterday by owner Mustafa Tekinkaya.After my initial reaction of disgust, I found it highly ironic that here's this muslim Turk banning an Israeli in protest of Israel's actions against the Palestinians in Gaza when, until 90 years ago, his native country occupied that same area (and then some) for hundreds of years. I wonder how he feels about that and how he would have felt were he alive then. Something tells me he would not have given a rat's ass about the plight of the Palestinians, but now that non-muslims are in charge - Jews, no less - well, that's different.
They chose to eat at Mevlana Cafe because it had a play area for Mrs Bennie's two children, but they were told to leave before they had ordered any food, Mrs Bennie said.
"He heard us speaking Hebrew and he asked us where we were from. I said Israel and he said 'get out, I am not serving you'. It was shocking."
Mr Tekinkaya, who is Muslim and from Turkey, said he was making his own protest against Israel because it was killing innocent babies and women in the Gaza Strip.
"I have decided as a protest not to serve Israelis until the war stops."
He said he had nothing against Israeli people but if any more came into his shop they would also be told to leave, and he was not concerned if he lost business.
"Whatever the rights and wrongs of the situation in Palestine, it is simply against the law for providers of goods and services in New Zealand to discriminate in this way."Respect for private, individual property rights are at the foundation of Western civilization. ANY move away from that principal is a step toward a more collectivist, communist society, and that is more of an affront to human or civil "rights" than is being denied service at a private establishment. It's his property, and he should be able to deny service to anybody for any reason. Any law that contradicts that right flies directly in the face of respect for private property rights. The only thing that matters is that the buyer is willing and able to pay for the goods and/or services, and the seller is willing to provide them. Now, if you believe that racial, religious or any other kind of discrimination is morally wrong, then vote with your wallet and choose not to do business with that establishment. If enough people feel the same way, he will either have to change his tune or face going out of business. That, I believe, is the way to affect change - NOT by demanding that government enact laws that prohibit certain behaviors or actions which, however reprehensible, do not deny others their rights.
Labels: In the News, Israel and Palestine, Middle East Affairs, New Zealand News, Personal Ramblings
Labels: In the News, Israel and Palestine, Middle East Affairs, Personal Ramblings
Dump the male flight attendants. No one wanted them in the first place.
Replace all the female flight attendants with good-looking strippers! What the hell, they don't even serve food anymore, so what's the loss?
The strippers would at least triple the alcohol sales and get a 'party atmosphere' going in the cabin. And, of course, every businessman in this country would start flying again, hoping to see naked women.
Because of the tips, female flight attendants wouldn't need a salary, thus saving even more money. I suspect tips would be so good that we could charge the women for working the plane and have them kick back 20% of the tips, including lap dances and 'special services.'
Muslims would be afraid to get on the planes for fear of seeing naked women. Hijackings would come to a screeching halt, and the airline industry would see record revenues.
This is definitely a win-win situation if we handle it right -- a golden opportunity to turn a liability into an asset.
Why didn't Bush think of this? Why do I still have to do everything myself?
Sincerely, Bill Clinton
Labels: Entertainment and Diversion, Humor